Compliant Resources for Sale | Quality Assurance

Compliant resources for sale on VET Resources. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality training and assessment resources. At VET Resources a Compliant resources for sale and you will find training resources and customer service that exceed your expectations.

Compliant resources for sale on VET Resources. Our resources are developed by the subject matter experts (SMEs) and instructional designers in consultation with quality and compliance experts. All resources are validated to ensure they are compliant, current and relevant before making them available to our clients. But don’t be fooled – no one can guarantee that their training and assessment resources will pass an audit by an official regulatory body.

VET Resources Compliance eLearning Australia

Audit Assistance

Passing an audit depends upon the following factors:

  • Contextualisation and customisation of resources to the needs and requirements of your learner cohort.
  • Ensuring practices and behaviours across your provider align with your documented systems and processes.
  • Resources have been used for their intended purpose.
  • Training and assessment strategies presented at audit by the client clearly and appropriately describes the assessment and learner resources and their intended purpose.
  • Resources used are complete and full and complimentary with the learner resources.

The price of our resources includes our assistance to you in the audit process if the auditor shows that any of our resources, in the form supplied by VET Resources, fails to comply with any regulatory requirements. We will help you to comply with the auditor’s expectations and will rectify the resources, if necessary.  This service applies only to audits conducted by an official registering body such as ASQA, VRQA or TAC.

If you have any concerns about our resources, please contact us at least six days prior to your official regulatory audit at

If an audit states that there is non-compliance in any of our resources, you must submit the copy of following documents at least fifteen (14) days prior to submission due date.

  • A copy of the completed audit report
  • A copy of the resources submitted at the time of audit
  • A copy of the Training and Assessment Strategy submitted at the time of the audit

We will not be able to assist you without the official audit report.

Our services are subject to the terms and conditions of our Service Agreement or End User Licence Agreement, as applicable.

If you need an assistance during the audit related to the product provided by VET Resources, call 1800 959 958 or email In most cases, VET Resources consultant will help you explain how these resources are demonstrate the compliance.

The price of our resources does not include assistance by VET Resources where the non-compliance arises from changes made to the original form of our resources.  Changes may affect the overall design and integrity of the materials and give rise to audit problems, but we can help you overcome these problems at our usual rates.

Note: From 1st July 2018, in certain audits, ASQA will no longer provide an opportunity for rectification if non-compliance is identified in the audit. Without an opportunity to rectify, VET Resources is unable to assist in the audit process. This change to ASQA process affects initial RTO registrations and may affect other types for regulatory audits.

Compliant Learning Resources for sale at VET Resources. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality RTO Compliant Training Resources. At VET Resources we offer Compliance Training Tools for sale, and you will find the Compliant Training Resources and customer service that exceed your expectations.

As a developer of Resources through the use of subject matter experts (SMEs) and instructional designers in consultation with quality and compliance experts our focus is to offer Compliance eLearning Australia wide, Compliance Learning Solutions and Compliance Training solutions, these are often on sale at VET Resources for a very reasonable price. All resources are validated to ensure they are compliant, current and relevant before making them available to our clients. But don’t be fooled – no one can guarantee that their training and assessment resources will pass an audit by an official regulatory body.

Training Assessment Strategies (TAS) are developed by the RTO and include information such as qualification code and qualification name, the program aims and outcomes, the characteristics of the target group, the purpose of the training and assessment, the units of competency, the duration of the program, a summary of the rules for packaging units, modes of delivery, the Trainer/Assessor qualified to provide the training and assessment in the program, industry consultation, resources required and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do the changes apply to all of your training and assessment resources?

Absolutely, all of VET’s resources include audit assistance.

How do I acquire assistance from VET Resources?

Please submit the following documents through email or link with at least 14 working days notice.

  • A copy of completed audit report
  • A copy of the resources submitted at the time of audit
  • A copy of the Training and Assessment Strategy submitted at the time of the audit

Why should I provide VET Resources with a copy of the audit report?

To provide full insight of the identified non-compliance issues documented by the Auditor, so that we can collaborate together and identify solutions.

Will VET Resources keep the report confidential?

VET Resources are happy to sign a confidentiality agreement documenting that any information shared between the parties will be kept confidential.

How will VET Resources support us if I am unable to file the audit report within the provided time frame?

Once the time frame has elapsed, VET Resources are unable to provide a free service to assist you. For further information regarding the costs, please contact our office.

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