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Introduction to RPL Assessment Kits

Recognising the importance of demonstrating competence regardless of its origins and method, the Australian VET system implemented a competency-based training system in 1993. This replaced the former curriculum-based system and has continued to stay a major feature of Australia’s VET learning today. Thus, it allows individuals to demonstrate their proficiency without having to adhere strictly to how they were taught. This is in contrast with the traditional approach, wherein an individual is required to take a specific course or class before being assessed on their competency levels.

Our RPL Kits are developed to make valid assessment decisions and are compliant with training standards. Each RPL kit consists of tasks/methods that assess prior learning skills of a student for a particular qualification.

These RPL Assessment Tools are written especially for each qualification, including carefully designed documentation and simple instructions for evidence submission. The kit is designed to cover all unit requirements with a range of appropriate assessment methods.

Why choose VET Resources RPL Kit?
  • Get hassle-free compliance care: Stay stress-free with compliant resources that come with Audit Assist Guarantee at no additional cost.

  • Save time and money for your RTO: HUNDREDS of hours and dollars saved in development, validation, proofreading, and formatting.

  • Gain unlimited student licence: One-time payment only for unlimited resource delivery.

  • Adaptable to e-learning and fully editable: Easy to contextualise if required and can be customised for online learning.

  • Avail lifetime updates with no hassles: Receive updated resources with no effort to your RTO at minimum cost until the product is superseded and non-equivalent

  • Developed in consultation with industry experts: Resources designed with information and experience curated to meet industry standards.

RPL Assessment Tools is an assessment method used to ascertain an individual’s competency that may have been acquired through formal or informal learning for the purpose of applying for credits in their chosen course.

Our RPL Kits consist of tasks/methods that assess a student’s prior learning skills. This assessment period takes approximately 6 weeks and requires an analysis/mapping of the information submitted for a particular course. Some documents that are required for RPL are previous qualifications, learning programmes completed, assessment tasks previously completed and a certified copy of your identification.

An RPL Kit consists of an Assessor Guide, a Candidate Guide, a Workplace Guide, Forms and Templates and a Unit Mapping Guide. When conducting an RPL assessment an Assessor may conduct an interview with the candidate to obtain broad information as well workplace-based information. The assessor can also have the candidate perform work-based tasks as well as obtain further workplace verification of evidence from the workplace. Finally, the Assessor determines the candidate outcome from the evidence gathered and presented and undertakes the determination of the final assessment outcome according to the RTO process.

Some common evidence used for RPL are Job Descriptions, Work Diaries, Work Logs, Evidence of work-related training courses, Relevant References and on-the-job work experience and skills gained. The cost of RPL varies across all institutions and can commence at a rate of $35 per unit and increase to a higher amount.


What is ASQA’s interpretation of RPL requirements?

ASQA interprets the requirements for RPL in a way that ensures RTOs must be prepared to assess any student’s prior learning if requested. This means providing valid assessment tools and resources for all units associated with the training programs being offered, regardless of whether they are needed or not. For those with limited budgets or low enrolment numbers, these financial obligations can add up fast – potentially costing a significant amount of money.

At an audit, ASQA expects to see evidence that valid RPL assessments are available and ready for use when called upon. Although it may seem costly upfront, having appropriate assessment tools in place will help ensure compliance throughout the delivery processes and ultimately serve to improve student outcomes.

What is a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment kit?

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment kits provide an organised and well-defined process for recognising skills and knowledge that have already been achieved by the student. The RPL kit is put together by the Assessor in order to evaluate the student’s current skill level, identify any gaps in their current knowledge, and then provide them with an appropriate set of objectives to attain a necessary competency.

The RPL kit provides all of the information needed to assess a student’s suitability for a course or job; this includes details on what tasks need to be completed, accepted evidence, expected outcomes and how they will be assessed. It also outlines the responsibilities of both the Assessor and student through every step of the process towards a successful outcome. By having a clear idea of what needs to be done and in what way it can positively impact the success rate for getting accredited or gaining new employment opportunities.

 What evidence would you require for an RPL assessment?

For an RPL assessment, a number of evidence types could be used. Depending on the unit of competence being assessed, some common forms of evidence might include a signed employment contract containing the responsibilities detailed in the role and performance review records. It is important to ensure that all evidences collected are sufficient, valid, authentic and current so that the Assessor can make an informed judgement about the student’s ability to adapt their prior learning or current competence for a particular workplace or industry context.

Other potential evidence might include work-based portfolios containing photographs or documents that demonstrate their skills in a certain area. Workplace mentors who can provide witness testimonies may also indicate how skill sets and processes have been learned at work over time. Observation evidence such as video footage can also be useful when it comes to assessing motor skills or physical abilities among other competencies like customer service skills and communication techniques.

How to develop an RPL Kit?

When looking to develop an RPL Kit, it is helpful to reference the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s Guide to developing assessment tools document. This resource provides concise and easy-to-follow information on the fundamentals of creating assessments. Although useful, this guide does not offer detailed advice on how to create an RPL kit.

The first step when developing an RPL Kit is accessing the Registered Training Organisation’s (RTO) assessment tool template and guidelines. Many RTOs have their own processes for designing an RPL assessment tool and these templates can be consulted as a starting point. The templates will typically define what assessments will be undertaken, what evidence needs to be collected from applicants and how the assessments will be marked. It is important get a clear understanding of these elements so that the test design accurately reflects the desired outcomes from the participants. Once this is done, you will then be able to move on to constructing an effective strategy for delivering your knowledge test or awareness campaign.

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