TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is the nationally accredited qualification for educators in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. If you’re an RTO, you probably have a lot of questions about TAE40122, such as entry requirements, units of competency, delivery modes, costs, and benefits.
In this blog post, we’ll answer all of your questions about TAE40122, so you can make informed decisions about delivering this important qualification to your learners. Let us begin.

Q.1. What is the difference between the TAE40122 and the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
A.1. The TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is a widely recognized qualification in the education sector. One key difference between the TAE40116 and the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is the number of competency units required. The TAE40116 consists of 10 units, including nine core units and one elective unit, whereas the TAE40122 includes 12 units, with a more flexible structure of six core units and six elective units. Many trainers and assessors still prefer the TAE40116 due to its structured curriculum and industry relevance. If you are considering a career in training and assessment, the TAE40116 remains a strong choice for building foundational skills and knowledge.
Q.2. What are the entry requirements for the TAE40122 course?
A.2. The entry requirements for the TAE40122 course vary depending on the registered training organisation (RTO) that you choose to study with. However, most RTOs will require you to have the following:
- A minimum of two years’ relevant work experience in the industry in which you wish to train and assess
- A Certificate III qualification in the same industry
- Evidence of your language, literacy and numeracy skills
Some RTOs may also require you to pass a pre-training assessment to ensure that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the course.
Q.3. How many core units and elective units are there in Cert iv in training and assessment (TAE40122)?
A.3. The TAE40122 course consists of six core units and 6 elective units. The core units are:
TAEDES412 – Design and develop plans for vocational training
TAEDEL411 – Facilitate vocational training
TAEASS413 – Participate in assessment validation
TAEPDD401 – Work effectively in the VET sector
TAEDES411 – Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs
TAEASS412 – Assess competence
The information about elective units can be found here at training.gov.au
Q.4. How long does the TAE40122 course take to complete?
A.4. The TAE40122 course can be completed in as little as six months or as long as two years, depending on the mode of study that you choose. If you are studying part-time, you can expect to complete the course in around 12-18 months.
Q.5. What are the different delivery modes available for the TAE40122 course?
A.5. The TAE40122 course can be delivered in a variety of modes, including:
- On-campus
- Online
- Blended (a combination of on-campus and online learning)
The best delivery mode for you will depend on your individual learning style and preferences.
Q.6. What are the costs associated with the TAE40122 course?
A.6. The cost of the TAE40122 course varies depending on the RTO that you choose to study with.
Q.7. What are the benefits of completing the TAE40122 course?
A.7. There are many benefits to completing the TAE40122 course, including:
- It opens up a variety of career opportunities in the VET sector.
- It gives you the knowledge and skills you need to deliver effective training and assessment.
- It helps you to develop your professional skills and knowledge.
- It increases your employment prospects and earning potential.
Q.8. How can RTOs ensure that their trainers and assessors are qualified to deliver the TAE40122 course?
A.8. To ensure that their trainers and assessors are qualified to deliver the TAE40122 course, RTOs must check that they have the following:
- A current TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification
- Industry experience in the area in which they are teaching and assessing
- Appropriate language, literacy and numeracy skills
RTOs should also provide their trainers and assessors with regular professional development opportunities to ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest training and assessment practices.
Q.9. What resources are available to support RTOs in delivering the TAE40122 course?
A.9. There are a number of resources available to support RTOs in delivering the TAE40122 course, including:
- The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Website
- gov.au
- The TAE40122 Training Package
Q.10. If the student is currently enrolled in the TAE40116, will their qualification still be recognised even though it is superseded?
A.10. Yes, the TAE40116 will still be recognised as a valid qualification, even though it has been superseded by the TAE40122. This is because the TAE40116 is still listed in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Q.11. If the student doesn’t finish the TAE40116, will they be automatically moved into the new TAE40122?
A.11. No, they will not be automatically moved into the new TAE40122 if they don’t finish the TAE40116. They will need to complete all 12 units of the TAE40122 course in order to obtain the qualification.
Q.12. What is a transition (teach-out) period?
A.12. A transition (teach-out) period is a period of time during which learners can still complete a superseded qualification. This period is typically given to allow learners who have already commenced studying the superseded qualification to complete their studies.
The transition period for the TAE40116 is 31 December 2024. This means that learners have until 31 December 2024 to complete the TAE40116 course. After this date, the TAE40116 will no longer be available.
Q.13. Why is there a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
A.13. The new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40122) was developed to reflect the changing needs of the vocational education and training (VET) sector. The new qualification is more flexible and adaptable, and it provides learners with a broader range of skills and knowledge.
Q.14. Will students have to upgrade to the new one?
A.14. Students are not required to upgrade to the new TAE40122 qualification. However, if they are looking for a more flexible and adaptable qualification, or if they want to gain a broader range of skills and knowledge, then they may want to consider upgrading to the new qualification.
Q.15. When will there be a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
A.15. The new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40122) was released in January 2023. It is the current qualification for trainers and assessors in the VET sector.
Q.16. Do RTOs charge additional fees for credit transfers or partial RPL?
A.16. Usually, there is no additional charge if there is a credit transfer or undertake RPL (first application only) for any of the units from the TAE40122. If students wish to undertake a second round of RPL (additional units) additional fees apply.
Q.17. What does the extended transition period for the TAE40116, TAE50116, and TAE50216 qualifications mean for RTOs and their students?
A.17. ASQA has extended the transition period for TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development.
This means that ASQA-registered RTOs can continue to train, assess, and certify students in these qualifications until 9 December 2024. After this date, the qualifications will be superseded by the new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Q.18. Is this trainer qualification only relevant in Australia or can students use it overseas?
A.18. The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is a nationally recognised qualification in Australia. This means that it is recognised by all Australian employers and training providers.
However, the TAE40122 qualification is not automatically recognised in other countries. If students want to work as a trainer or assessors in another country, they will need to check with the relevant authorities to see if their qualification is recognised.
Q.19. Must RTOs provide additional evidence when applying to add a unit from the TAE training package to their scope of registration, even if they are already registered to deliver TAE qualifications?
A.19. Yes, RTOs must provide additional evidence when applying to add a unit from the TAE training package to their scope of registration, even if they are already registered to deliver TAE qualifications. This is because the units of competency in the TAE training package are designed to be delivered as part of a qualification, but they can also be delivered as stand-alone units.
Q.20. What should RTOs do during the two-year transition period for the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
A.20. During the two-year transition period for the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, RTOs should:
- Review their scope of registration to ensure that they are registered to deliver the new qualification. If not, they will need to apply to add the new qualification to their scope.
- Develop a transition plan that outlines how they will manage the changes to the new training product. This plan should include strategies for:
- – Completing training and assessment for students who are enrolled in the superseded qualification
- – Transferring ongoing students to the new qualification
- – Withdrawing students who are not ongoing
- – Implement their transition plan and monitor its progress.
- Ensure that they meet the requirements for managing transition from superseded training products as outlined in Clauses 1.26 to 1.27 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
- For more information on how to transition to the new TAE40122 qualification, please visit ASQA’s website:
Q.21. What should be my RTO’s Certificate 4 in training and assessment outcome?
A.21 The outcome of the certificate 4 in training and assessment for your students should be:
- They earn a nationally recognised Certificate IV qualification
- They develop the skills to design and create training and assessment resources
- They also gain the ability to teach and assess vocational education and training (VET) in Australia
- They enjoy strong pathways to further your studies and enhance your career opportunities in VET
Q. 22. What other qualities should I look for apart from the vocational competencies in the applicant of cert 4 training and assessment?
A.22 Other qualities you can look for are:
- Strong communication skills
- Good presentation skills
- Good with internet and computers in general
- Experience of working in a teaching related job role
- Ability to work in a team and under supervisors/managers.
Q.23. What should be an ideal level of foundation skills for the applicant of cert 4 training and assessment?
A. 23 An ideal level would be the ability to read, write and understand numeracy to at least year 10.
Q.24. What could be possible career outcomes for cert iv training and assessment which I could use in the marketing of the cert 4 course?
A.24 According to the data from the NCVER and the Australian Government Department of Education and Training possible career outcomes could be:
- Training Developer
- Trainer and Assessor
- Training Developer
- Independent Assessor
- Learning and Development Manager
Q.25. What type of assessment should I be taking while delivering certificate 4 in training and assessment course?
A.25 You should opt for both written assessments and practical assessments. You should do workplace based training and assessments. You can use variety of tasks like role play to further enhance the delivery of the course.
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is a huge step up for any RTO. With the questions answered in the blog above we hope you will get the guidance and support needed to deliver successful training.
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If yes, then VET Resources is your partner. We also have a YouTube Channel with videos on RTO related matters. We also offer free consultation to RTOs. For further information please contact here.
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