VET Resources Compliant Session Plan

How to create a simple and compliant session plan Leave a comment

How to make session plan, simple and compliant

Are you responsible for delivering training sessions to your learners? If so, you know how important it is to have a well-structured training session plan. Without it, training can become ineffective and unorganised.

As a Compliance Consultant, I have the privilege of working with different training organisations. People often ask me how to make a session plan, do we need an additional training session plan, if we have a different delivery structure, etc.

How to prepare a Session Plan:

  • Step 1: Defining the Objectives of Your Training Session
  • Step 2: Outline Your Delivery Structure
  • Step 3: Plan Your Session Content
  • Step 4: Consider Different Types of Assessments
  • Step 5: Invest Time & Resources in Evaluation Processes

Step 1: Start by Defining the Objectives of Your Training Session

Before anything else, first, you need to define what the objectives of your training session are going to be. Do you want to provide learners with additional skills in a specific area? Or perhaps you want to introduce new policies or procedures. Be as specific as possible in the session plan draft. It will help the users to clearly understand what they will learn from the session.

Step 2: Outline Your Delivery Structure

Your delivery structure needs to consider different learning styles and preferences—visual, auditory or hands-on activities—and any resources and materials needed for presentation or discussion. If this is an online learning initiative, identify technical requirements such as hardware and software that participants might need to participate effectively throughout the training session.

You can find a session plan example and session plan template from any reputed RTO resource provider to help you structure your sessions effectively.

Step 3: Plan Your Session Content

Most of your preparation will centre on developing content for your training sessions. Break down each topic into smaller chunks within which specific activities can be planned and discussed.

Assign a timeline for each subtopic where feasible and ensure employees have ample time for questions at critical points throughout the session. Additionally, avoid overwhelming participants with too much information by keeping relevant topics simple yet thorough enough to cover all essential aspects.

Step 4: Consider Different Types of Assessments

Developing assessment tools explicitly tailored to gauge learner understanding of core training topics help to ensure that learners have gained something useful after completing their sessions. Whether in groups or individually assessed, tests can help verify their progress while supplementing overall qualitative feedback on participant engagement as well as performance ratings after each session.

Additionally, in your assessment plan, include periodic assessments along major parts of instructions to ensure greater accountability throughout the entire program structure, such as projects (quizzes) etc.

Step 5:Invest Time & Resources in Evaluation Processes

When you want to ensure success when implementing any program, it is important to make sure that you have adequate and detailed session plans. Investing time and resources into evaluation processes is essential to creating a successful program and will help you determine which activities are working well and which need improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions about Session Plan

In this blog, I will also answer 6 of the most important questions that will help you understand how to create a session plan, and at the end, I will provide a link for the session plan template you can contextualise and use for your training sessions and assessment.

What is a session plan, and why do we need to develop this document?

A session plan is a structured document that includes sequences of information, activities, and information linked with your training and assessment resources. This document helps trainers to get delivery structure and it also helps RTOs to get consistency in the delivery.

RTO needs to develop this document for each unit/cluster to get consistency in the training and assessments.

What information do I need to include in the session plan?

The session plan should include the following information:

We have provided the answers for these questions.

Note: You may add additional information as required.

How do I create a sequencing in the session plan?

I have read this GLOSS OFF process from Fortress learning and found it useful.

GLOSS stands for:

G Gain the learner’s attention, interest and involvement
L Link the learning to the learner’s previous experience
O Outcomes of the session are identified
S Structure of the session is previewed
S Stimulate the learner’s motivation

OFF stands for:

O Outcomes are reviewed
F Feedback to individuals and the group provides encouragement and motivation for future learning
F Future outcomes and where the learning is leading learners.

Do we need a different session plan if we have different delivery modes?

Yes, you need to contextualise your session plan according to the delivery mode and hours of delivery.

For different delivery modes, you will have different structures and delivery hours. For example structure for classroom delivery will be different compared to workplace delivery and you may have small numbers for hours in the workplace delivery.

How detailed session plan do we need to create?

I hear this question more often because there are no specific guidelines from ASQA related to the session plan. If you cover your structure, sequencing of the information and cover the training package requirements and include the above-mentioned information then it will be sufficient.

Do I need to add assessment information and simulated practical information in the session plan?

Yes, as discussed above, the session plan is your structure for the unit and you also need to allocate relevant time for classroom assessment, activities, role play, presentation, and practical assessment.

Overall, the session plan is an important document not only to meet the compliance requirements but also helps to improve the quality of education and improve the consistency of the training and assessment process.

  1. How to create a compliant and effective session plan?

Creating a compliant and effective session plan for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) is a critical part of their day-to-day operations. RTOs have an obligation to provide quality education and training in compliance with the national standards set by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This can be achieved by ensuring that all session plans are based on an accurate understanding of the training requirements, meeting national competency standards and accurately reflecting learning objectives. An effective session plan should include clear objectives, activities to achieve these objectives, resources required for successful delivery and appropriate assessment strategies.

Firstly RTOs should research materials available relevant to their course content such as state or national curriculum documents, textbooks, course manuals, books or diaries from trainers in this field, staff competency profiles and experience feedback from past students etc. Secondly, they need to prepare and deliver learning sessions that achieve specified nationally recognised learning outcomes using sound pedagogical practices including the selection of appropriate activities. In addition to teaching proper content delivery methods must be employed so as not to bore participants such as lectures, demos, role plays or group activities also a mix of informal assessment techniques should be used throughout each session in order to check that students’ understanding is progressing.

Thirdly, RTOs need to ensure they are using suitable resources and materials that meet the required standards as set by ASQA. This may include reference materials, audio/visual equipment and other technological aids such as online learning tools. Fourthly, RTOs must ensure their assessment strategies are consistent with their teaching methodology and reflect the expected learning outcomes for each session.

Q. What are the three things that a well-planned session plan should include? 

The three things that a well-planned session plan should include are as follows:

  1. Learning Outcomes

A well-planned session plan should always start with clear and measurable learning outcomes. These outcomes should be specific, achievable, and relevant to the course or training program. They should also be aligned with the overall program objectives and the needs of the learners. By clearly defining the learning outcomes, trainers can ensure that the session is focused and that learners understand what is expected of them. It can also help trainers to assess the effectiveness of the session.

  1. Activities and Resources

Once the learning outcomes have been identified, trainers need to plan the activities and resources that will help learners achieve those outcomes. These activities should be engaging, interactive, and relevant to the learners’ needs. They should also be designed to cater to different learning styles and abilities. Trainers should consider using a mix of activities, such as group discussions, case studies, simulations, and practical exercises, to keep learners engaged and motivated. In addition, trainers should ensure that they have all the necessary resources, such as handouts, presentations, and equipment, to support the activities.

  1. Assessment Strategies

Finally, a well-planned session plan should include assessment strategies that align with the learning outcomes and activities. These strategies should be designed to measure the learners’ understanding and application of the concepts covered in the session. Trainers should consider using a variety of assessment methods, such as quizzes, role-plays, and demonstrations, to cater to different learning styles and abilities. They should also provide feedback to learners on their performance and offer opportunities for them to improve.

How can I effectively structure my training sessions to maximise learner engagement and knowledge retention. All this while incorporating a structured session plan and utilising a session plan template?

The EDAS (Explain, Demonstrate, Apply, Summarise) model is a highly effective framework for structuring your training sessions, and can easily be incorporated into a session plan. Here’s how it works:

  • Explain (Incorporate into Session Plan): Begin your session plan by outlining the learning objectives and key concepts you will explain. Use clear language, relevant examples, and visuals to ensure learners grasp the fundamental ideas.
  • Demonstrate (Incorporate into Session Plan): Follow up the explanation in your components of session plan with a detailed outline of the practical demonstration you will provide. Show learners how the concept or skill is applied in a real-world context. If possible, involve learners in the demonstration to enhance their understanding.
  •  Apply (Incorporate into Session Plan): Dedicate a section in your session plan to outline the hands-on activities, group exercises, role-plays, or simulations that learners will participate in. These activities should allow learners to practice and receive feedback in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Summarise (Incorporate into Session Plan): Conclude your session plan with a summary of the key points covered. Briefly recap the learning objectives and highlight the main takeaways. Allocate time for learners to ask questions and clarify any doubts they may have.

If you have any questions related to session planning, please click here and complete the form.

As discussed above, please click here to get a free training session plan template.

The information presented on the VET Resources blog is for general guidance only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. VET Resources is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Always consult a professional for advice tailored to your circumstances.

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