Raising the Bar with Excelling in Training With ASQA Standards

Raising the Bar with Excelling in Training with ASQA Standards Leave a comment


Excellence in education and training are critical components of building a skilled and competent workforce in Australia. The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) regulates the vocational education and training (VET) for adult education. ASQA sets standards and guidelines to maintain quality and consistency for adult education qualification across RTOs. Adhering to ASQA standards ensures compliance and elevates the overall quality of adult education, benefiting both the learners and the industry.

This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to raise the bar in training by excelling in ASQA standards. We will explore the ASQA guidelines for determining the amount of training required for a higher level qualification, the key considerations for RTOs, and practical strategies to achieve excellence in training.

Training is defined in the Standards as…

In the ASQA Standards, training is defined as the process employed by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or a third party acting on its behalf to facilitate vocational education and the acquisition of competencies related to the training product within the RTO’s scope of registration.

Training encompasses various formal learning activities and education training that RTOs provide for the professional development of students. These activities are outlined in the training and assessment strategy and may include:

Classes, lectures, or tutorials: These are structured learning sessions conducted in a classroom or virtual environment where students engage with qualified trainers and peers to acquire knowledge and skills.

Organised workplace learning activities: RTOs may facilitate on-the-job training or work placements for students to gain practical experience and apply their learning in real-world settings.

Structured online learning: This refers to training delivered through online platforms, such as learning management systems, where students can access digital resources, participate in virtual discussions, and complete interactive modules.

Structured self-paced study: RTOs may provide learning materials, resources, and assessments for students to study independently at their own pace while ensuring a structured progression through the training programme.

Determining the appropriate amount of training is crucial, and it is often expressed in terms of the anticipated time needed for a student to reasonably complete the identified training. This duration should be suitable for the specific student cohort and enable them to:

Meet the current requirements of each training product: RTOs must ensure that the amount of training provided aligns with the requirements specified in the relevant training package and the associated units of competency.

Gain the skills and knowledge outlined in the training product: The training should cover the essential skills, knowledge, and performance criteria specified in the training package to ensure students acquire the necessary competencies.

By carefully considering the duration and tailoring it to meet the needs of their student cohorts, RTOs can create an immersive learning experience that promotes successful skill development and knowledge acquisition. By adhering to ASQA Standards for compliance purposes and creating an optimal experience for learners as a whole. This ensures increased quality training outcomes as well as positive impacts for all involved.

Understanding ASQA’s Guidelines for Determining Amount of Training

ASQA has provided a comprehensive guide for determining the amount of training required for each qualification. This guide assists RTOs in designing their training programmes and helps maintain consistency in training delivery. Let’s dive into the key points highlighted by ASQA:

Volume of Learning

ASQA emphasises the importance of determining the volume of learning required for each qualification. The volume of Learning describes the length of time it takes a learner to achieve required voactional competency, including both formal training (such as classroom-based education) and unstructured study ( such as self-directed study).

Training Packages

ASQA expects RTOs to align their training programmes with the relevant training packages endorsed by the Industry Skills Councils. These packages outline the required skills and current knowledge for each qualification and provide a clear framework for training delivery.

AQF Level Descriptors

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level descriptors define the complexity and depth of knowledge required at each qualification level. RTOs must ensure that their training programmes align with the specified AQF level and adequately cover the required competencies.
Competency Standards
RTOs should align their training programmes with the specified competency standards for each qualification. These standards outline the specific skill set, vocational competency, and performance criteria that learners must achieve to be deemed competent in their chosen field.

Assessment Requirements

ASQA emphasises the importance of robust assessment practises to ensure the validity and reliability of the assessment outcomes. RTOs must design assessment methods that accurately measure learners’ achievement of the required competencies.

Key Considerations for RTOs

To excel in training and meet ASQA standards, RTOs must consider the following factors:

Training Design

RTOs should carefully design their training programmes, ensuring they align with the relevant training packages, AQF-level descriptors, and competency standards. A well-structured and comprehensive training programme provides learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen field.

Trainer Competency

Training organisations must employ trainers who possess the required industry skills, experience, education qualifications, and pedagogical skills. The Trainers should be subject matter experts and proficient in delivering training effectively and engaging learners.

Resources and Facilities

Adequate resources and facilities are essential for effective training delivery. RTOs should ensure that learners have access to up-to-date learning materials, equipment, and facilities that simulate real-world workplace environments whenever possible.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RTOs should have a robust RPL process in place to recognise learners’ existing skills and knowledge. This process helps learners progress through their training more efficiently by granting credit for competencies they have already acquired.

Continuous Improvement

RTOs should have mechanisms in place to continuously monitor and evaluate their training programs’ effectiveness. Feedback from learners, trainers, and industry stakeholders should be sought and used to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

Strategies for Excelling in Training with ASQA Standards

Now that we have explored the ASQA guidelines and key considerations, let’s discuss some practical strategies to excel in training and meet ASQA standards:

Thorough Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Conduct a comprehensive TNA to identify the specific training needs of learners. This analysis should consider the skills and knowledge required by the industry and ensure that the training programme aligns with these needs.

Clarity of Learning Outcomes

Clearly define the learning outcomes for each qualification and communicate them to learners. When learners understand what they will achieve at the end of their training, it enhances their motivation and provides a clear pathway to success.

Engaging and Interactive Training Delivery

Use a variety of training methods and resources to engage learners and cater to different learning styles. Incorporate practical exercises, case studies, group discussions, and simulations to make the training sessions interactive and hands-on.

Effective Assessment Practises

Develop valid and reliable assessment tools that align with the competency standards. Implement a mix of assessment methods such as written assessments, practical demonstrations, observations, and workplace projects to holistically assess learners’ competency.

Trainer Professional Development

Invest in ongoing professional development for trainers to enhance their skills and keep them updated with industry trends and changes. Encourage the trainers to participate in workshops, conferences, and online courses to expand their knowledge and teaching methodologies.

Industry Partnerships and Work Integrated Learning: Foster strong partnerships with industry stakeholders to ensure the training programmes align with industry needs. Collaborate with employers to provide work-integrated learning opportunities such as internships, apprenticeships, and industry projects to enhance learners’ practical skill sets and industry readiness.
Quality Assurance and Compliance: Implement robust quality assurance mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of training delivery. Regularly review training materials, assessment tools, and delivery methods to ensure compliance with ASQA standards.


Excelling in training with ASQA standards is a key driver in elevating the quality of vocational education and training in Australia. By adhering to the ASQA guidelines for determining the amount of training required, considering key factors, and implementing effective strategies, RTOs can raise the bar in training and deliver high-quality programmes.

Raising the bar benefits learners by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge and contributes to the overall growth and competitiveness of industries. By prioritising excellence in VET learning, RTOs play a vital role in shaping a skilled and competent workforce that meets the evolving demands of industry standards.

Adopting ASQA standards as a benchmark and continuously striving for improvement enables RTOs to ensure that their training programmes remain relevant, effective, and valued by learners and industry stakeholders alike. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on meeting ASQA standards, RTOs can make a significant impact in the VET sector and contribute to the nation’s economic development.

At VET Resources, we offer RTO training packages and assessment kits that are compliant with current industry practices. We offer products that align with ASQA Standards for higher level qualification.

The information presented on the VET Resources blog is for general guidance only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. VET Resources is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Always consult a professional for advice tailored to your circumstances.

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