Community Services: Latest Trends for RTOs in 2024 Leave a comment

The demand for Community Service is growing day by day. It has proved beneficial to include this training package in your scope of registration. If you are a new RTO or a seasoned one you should provide this course for students interested in a career in community service.

But do you know the Community Service trends for 2024? If you want to know more about it, this blog will prove to be of great help. If you are already providing this course, this blog will help you tailor your training and assessment far better than your peers.

Here in this blog, we will discuss the trends and why you should include this in your scope.

What are Community Services

Community Services include supporting and assisting the community. It is one of the largest industries in Australia. The support and assistance provided include financial assistance, medical assistance, and residential and social assistance. This is provided to people experiencing hardship, discrimination, or any other disadvantages.

These services are usually provided for a free or very reasonable price and are offered by both government and private organisations.

As a Registered Training Organisation, staying updated with the recent community service trends can prove to be helpful in several ways.

  • Offering the enhanced course: By having insight into the latest trends of community services, you can provide the course by modifying and tailoring it to meet the current demands. Adding new modules regarding trends like sustainability, digitalisation, and depression and mental health issues would help. You can also analyse the demands for a specific skill by keeping updated with the latest trends. This helps you provide the right training for the skill in demand which in turn helps your students to get employment.
  • Draw students to choose your RTO: By analysing the trends for community services, you can tailor a distinctive training course and can attract students who are looking for unique and impactful training. By understanding the trends, you can portray your RTO as socially responsible and positively impactful.
  • Building Networks: By putting out your RTO as positively impactful and by analysing the trends, you can identify potential partners who work for the same cause. These partners include NGOs, Government Agencies, Charities, and training providers. This opens a path for potential collaboration or internships for your students. It can also help you raise funds or grants to expand your reach in the community by increasing training programs and initiatives.
  • Positive Image: Analysing the trends for community services helps you showcase your RTO’s commitment to social causes and bring positive change. This helps to create a good image for your RTO and enhances its reputation, which in turn brings more students and staff.

The trends are ever-growing but there are a few that have been there for some time.

  • Facility of Remote Learning: By enabling virtual classes or online learning platforms, RTOs can reach a wider number of people and can provide training to students who are not in the country or the same region or city. This helps students from far away to choose your RTO over others because of the facility of remote learning. Remote learning caters to diverse learning styles and schedules, making education more accessible for students. Once your students complete the training, remote methods will come in handy while performing their tasks as a part of community services such as teaching/training the needy online or remotely checking the health of the elderly.
  • Introduction of Technology: The main skill other than academics that potential employers look for is ease of use of technology. By providing online platforms and remote learning, you open a channel for students to learn to adapt to technology and learn new things. A few examples are Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and interaction with different software, websites, and learning platforms. Including technology in physical classrooms can prove to be a game changer as well. This helps in paving the path for your students to get employment in the field of community services.
  • Focusing on Soft Skills: A lot of students lack basic soft skills. Learning soft skills is a new trend which includes skills like communicating effectively, showing the right emotion, sympathy and empathy, and skills like leadership. These skills prove to be important while getting employment or while doing your part in community service. Being equipped with soft skills helps to provide community services in a smoother and better way than normal.
  • Adaption of Hybrid Culture: Hybrid culture includes the comfort and ease of learning from home combined with face-to-face interactions and training sessions. This develops students in an overall manner with all-rounder skill sets and prepares them for the reality of community services.

Tips for RTOs to follow

These are a few tips for RTOs to follow while dealing with new trends for community services.

  • Analyse the trend: Analysing a trend properly will let you know the changes you need to make to your existing training resources. Keep a keen eye on the trends because they tend to change every few months or even less.
  • Make the necessary changes: According to the changes, demand for a specific skill or course can arise. Make sure to add that skill or course to your scope of registration to keep your RTO updated and keep going along with the market trend.
  • Make sure to update the trainers: With every changing trend, the need for trainers to update their skills also arises. Updated trainers will be able to provide better training than the ones who are not updated.
  • Tailor your courses: Make sure you tailor your courses and group them with the trendy skills and modules.
  • Make sure to be on social media: Social media is consumed by a large amount of people. Putting your contribution to community services out on social media will earn you a positive reputation which will in turn attract students who are looking to make a change in the community.


Community Services are one of the most important industries in Australia which is why VET qualification of the same is recognised all over the country. But along with the growing demand for community services, guidelines and trends also change. RTOs who want to provide training on community services or are already providing one need to keep updated with the trends to make the necessary amendments/changes in the training method and course.

Following these trends makes an RTO stand out, thus attracting more students. This will also help in the overall development of the students and help them get employed.

From a social point of view, doing your part in community service is considered a moral responsibility and helps you build a positive image in society.

Want the best quality resources for community resources?

Then VET Resources is the best option for you. We offer the best and highest quality training resources to RTOs. Our training resources are made with industry consultations and by subject matter experts. For a free sample click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the biggest trends shaping the Community Services landscape in Australia?

An aging population, increased demand for mental health services, focus on early intervention and prevention, and the rise of technology-enabled services.

How can RTOs ensure their programs are aligned with current industry needs and employer expectations?

RTOs can ensure the alignment of their program with the current industry by communicating with Advisory boards and industry experts, work placement and internship, focusing on practical skills and employability, and continuous program evaluation.

What are the common community services jobs?

Community support workers, aged care workers, Disability support workers, and child protection workers are among a few of the job roles.

The information presented on the VET Resources blog is for general guidance only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. VET Resources is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Always consult a professional for advice tailored to your circumstances.

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