How RTOs Can Use the USI to Improve Their Operations Leave a comment


Are you a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) looking to improve student outcomes? If so, the Unique Student Identifier (USI) could be the answer for you. The USI is a new system that is being implemented in the Australian education system, and it can be used by RTOs to track student progress, manage enrolments, and apply for government funding.

In this blog post, we will discuss how the USI can help RTOs improve student outcomes. We will also provide some tips for getting started with the USI. So, if you’re an RTO looking to improve student outcomes, read on!

What is the USI

  • The USI is a unique student identifier that is used to track student progress and achievements in the Australian education system.
  • USI number is a 10-digit number that is made up of letters and numbers.
  • It is free to create and stays with VET students for life.

Starting January 1, 2023, all higher education students, even those who began their studies before 2021, will need a USI to graduate and receive their diploma or certificate.

How Can the USI Help RTOs

  • Track student progress:

    The USI can be used to track student progress through their studies, including their enrolments, assessments, and completions. This information can be used to identify students who are struggling and provide them with the support they need. For example, an RTO could use the USI to track the number of courses that a student has enrolled in, the grades that they have received, and the number of times they have withdrawn from courses. This information could be used to identify students who are at risk of dropping out and provide them with early intervention support.

  • Manage enrolments:

    The USI can be used to manage enrolments, such as checking student eligibility and ensuring that students are enrolled in the right courses. This can help to reduce administrative errors and improve the efficiency of the enrolment process. For example, an RTO could use the USI to verify a student’s identity and check their eligibility for government funding. This information could be used to ensure that students are only enrolled in courses that they are eligible for and that they are not receiving more funding than they are entitled to.

  • Apply for government funding:

    The USI can be used to apply for government funding for VET courses. This can help RTOs to offer more affordable courses and make it easier for students to access training. For example, an RTO could use the USI to apply for government funding for a course that is being offered to a group of students. This information could be used to ensure that the RTO is eligible for funding and that the funding is used for the intended purpose.

  • Provide students with a single point of contact:

    The USI can be used to provide students with a single point of contact for all of their education related needs. This can help to improve the student experience and make it easier for students to get the help they need. For example, an RTO could use the USI to create a portal where students can access their enrolment information, contact their tutors, and submit assignments. This information could be used to make it easier for students to get the support they need and to improve their overall experience at the RTO.

How can RTOs get started with the USI

  • Registering for the USI service

RTOs can register for the USI service by visiting the USI website and clicking on the “Register” link. They will need to provide some basic information about their RTO, such as their name, address, and contact details.

  • Creating a USI for their students

Once RTOs have registered for the USI service, they can create a USI for their students. To do this, they will need to provide the student’s name, date of birth, and contact details. The USI will be generated automatically and will be sent to the student via email.

  • Integrating the USI into their systems

RTOs need to integrate the USI into their systems in order to use it to track student progress and achievements. This may involve making changes to their enrolment, assessment, and reporting systems.

  • Communicating with their students about the USI

RTOs need to communicate with their students about the USI and how it will be used. This includes explaining what the USI is, why it is important, and how students can use it.

What are the Challenges of Implementing the USI

Work with the government and other stakeholders.

Training organisations should work with the government and other stakeholders, such as other RTOs and industry bodies, to ensure that the USI is implemented smoothly. This includes sharing information and resources and working together to resolve any problems that may arise.

Provide students with the information and support they need.

RTOs should provide their students with the information and support they need to create a USI and use it to their advantage. This includes making sure that students are aware of the benefits of the USI and providing them with clear instructions on how to create and use it.

Be patient and persistent.

Implementing the USI is a complex process, and there will be challenges along the way. RTOs should be patient and persistent and should not give up if they encounter difficulties.


The Unique Student Identifier is a powerful tool that can be used by RTOs to improve student outcomes. By tracking student progress, managing enrolments, and applying for government funding, the USI can help RTOs to provide students with the support they need to succeed.

Are you an RTO looking for quality RTO training resources?

If yes, then VET Resources is your partner. We also have a YouTube Channel with videos on RTO related matters. We also offer free consultation to RTOs. For further information please contact here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1. What is the difference between commonwealth assistance and commonwealth financial assistance?

A.1. Commonwealth assistance is a broader term that encompasses all forms of assistance provided by the Australian government to students, including financial assistance, access to government-funded training courses, and regulatory oversight. Commonwealth financial assistance is a narrower term that refers specifically to financial assistance provided by the government, such as scholarships and loans.

Q.2. Where can I find more information about the USI?

A.2. You can find more information about the USI on the USI website.

Q.3. How does the USI registry relate to training records?

A.3. The USI registry can be used to link training records together. This means that students can have a single training record that tracks their participation in all of their VET training. This can be helpful for students who are transferring between RTOs or who are applying for jobs.

Q.4. How can I access my training record?

A.4. You can access your training record through the USI registry website. You will need to create a USI account and login to the website. Once you are logged in, you can view your training record and download a copy of it.

Q.5. What documents do students need as a valid form of identification for new students to apply to USI?

A.5. To apply for a Unique Student Identifier (USI), you will need to provide a valid form of identification. The accepted forms of identification are:

  • Australian passport
  • Non-Australian passport (with Australian visa)
  • Australian birth certificate
  • Australian driver’s licence
  • Medicare card
  • Certificate of registration by descent
  • Centrelink concession card
  • Citizenship certificate
  • ImmiCard

If the student is an international student or not a permanent resident, he/she may also need to provide evidence of their immigration status.

RTOs can find more information about the required documentation on the USI website. (

Q.6. What is DVS on USI portal?

A.6. DVS stands for Documentation Verification Service. It is a service that is used to verify the identity of people who are applying for a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The DVS uses a variety of sources to verify identity, including government records and databases.

Q.7. How do I change my name on my USI?

A.7. To change your name on your USI, you will need to contact the Student Identifiers Registrar. You will need to provide proof of your name change, such as a marriage certificate or a deed poll.

Q.8. Is USI an online record?

A.8. Yes, the USI is an online record. It is stored in a database that is managed by the Student Identifiers Registrar. The USI registry is a secure database that is protected by a variety of security measures.

Q.9. Is there any relation between Standards for RTOs 2015 and USI account?

A.9. Yes, there is a relation between the Standards for RTOs 2015 and the USI account. The Standards for RTOs 2015 require RTOs to use the USI to track student progress and achievements. This means that RTOs must create a USI account for each student who is enrolled in their courses.

Q.10. How can students or RTOs update personal details on USI?

A.10. Students and RTOs can update their personal details on the USI website. To do this, they will need to create a USI account and login to the website. Once they are logged in, they can update their details by clicking on the “My Details” tab.

Q.11. How can one retrieve a forgotten USI number?

A.11. If you have forgotten your USI number, you can retrieve it by following these steps:

  • Go to the USI website.
  • Click on the “Forgotten USI” link.
  • Enter your name and date of birth.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • The USI website will send you an email with your USI number.

Q.12. How can RTOs update personal details on USI portal?

A.12. RTOs can update personal details on the USI portal by logging into their account and clicking on the “My Details” tab. They can then update their details, such as their name, address, and contact information.

Q.13. How is Department of Education related to USI?

A.13. The Department of Education is responsible for the implementation of the USI. The department provides funding to the Student Identifiers Registrar, which is the organisation that manages the USI registry. The department also provides guidance to RTOs on how to use the USI.

Q.14. What are USI records?

A.14. USI records are records that are kept about students who have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). These records include information such as the student’s name, date of birth, contact details, and educational history. USI records are kept by the Student Identifiers Registrar and are accessible to RTOs and other authorized organisations.

The information presented on the VET Resources blog is for general guidance only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. VET Resources is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Always consult a professional for advice tailored to your circumstances.

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