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      Discover why VET Resources is the preferred choice for RTO training materials:

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        Extensive Product Range: Over 15,000 products available.
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        Diverse Training Packages: Resources covering more than 15 training packages.
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        Highly Rated: Google rating of 4.9, reflecting our excellence.
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        Trusted by Many: Served over 1,025 clients.
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        Free Audit Assistance Guarantee: No hassle during and after the audit, with no cost for your RTO. We handle all audit stress so you can focus on other things.
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        Expert Validation: Resources validated by compliance experts, with a validation certificate provided.

      Explore our Learning and Assessment Kits to elevate your RTO's training programs.

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      Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management (AHC)

      VET Resources provides a large range of AHC resources that are engaging and industry-relevant developed by subject matter experts and validated by compliance experts and proofread by English experts.

      Our RTO Learning and Assessment Kits are developed according to ASQA, AQF and training package guidelines. Our quality assured learner resources and assessment kits come with audit assistance at no additional cost to your RTO. All our resources are easy-to-use, student-centric and developed with current best practices in the industry.

      All our AHC Training Packages include –

      1. AHC Learner resources – These include AHC learner guide, PowerPoint, class activity book, self-study guide and session plan. These documents will provide the following benefits to your RTO:
      • In-depth step by step information in the AHC learner guide so students gain the knowledge and skills related to the unit of competency.
      • Range of questions and activities in the class activity book to demonstrate the understanding of knowledge and skills
      • Interactive PowerPoint slides linked with the learner guide for trainers to train the learners effectively.
      • Session plan for trainers to help organise class and assessments and deliver classroom learning effectively along with an overview of the session.
      • Self-study guide for students to help understand concepts clearly and prepare for assessments which contain video and web links to help students understand the concepts easily.
      1. AHC Assessment Kits – VET Resources Assessment Kits are quality assured RTO Training Assessment Tool with detailed guidelines and benchmarking answers.
      • These come with additional assessment materials that are sure to help trainers deliver effective learning to your students.
      • These RTO Assessment Resources will provide you with all the instructions and information required to begin assessing your students. trainers deliver effective learning to your students.
      • The assessment kit includes student assessment pack, trainer assessment pack and marking guide, work placement assessment (if applicable), mapping information, unit information pack and supporting documents.
      • Other learning materials such as LLN Kit are developed according to the ACSF (Australian Core Skills Framework) and RPL Kit are developed in accordance with training package requirements and are designed to fulfill all learning needs of the student.

      Specialization covered in AHC resources

      • Automotive Air Conditioning Technology
      • Automotive Technology
      • Automotive Electrical Technology
      • Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
      • Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis
      • Automotive Management

      Qualifications under AHC Training resources are –

      • Certificate II
      • Certificate III
      • Certificate IV
      • Diploma

      AHC stands for Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management in the VET sector and is used in Training, the AHC Purchasing Guide for the State of Victoria is available from the Victorian Government Website under the Victorian Training Package Purchasing Guides. The AHC Training Package is nationally recognised by the industry and training regulators and includes qualifications and competency standards.

      VET Resources provides a large range of AHC Training Resources and AHC Resources Online that align with the AHC Training Package. Our resources are engaging and industry-relevant developed by subject matter experts and validated by compliance experts and proofread by English experts.

      Our RTO Learning and Assessment Kits are developed according to ASQA, AQF and training package guidelines. Our quality assured learner resources and assessment kits come with audit assistance at no additional cost to your RTO. All our resources are easy-to-use, student-centric and developed with current best practices in the industry.

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