Understanding How To Do Accurate AVETMISS Data Reporting For Your RTO

Understanding how to do accurate AVETMISS Data reporting for your RTO Leave a comment

This blog will help you understand AVETMISS reporting and provide guidance to submit accurate and errors free data.


What is AVETMISS reporting?

AVETMISS (Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard) reporting is a process that all vocational education providers in Australia must comply with. It involves the collection and reporting of data on student enrolments, completions, and qualifications to the government.

Why is AVETMISS reporting done?

The purpose of AVETMISS reporting is to provide accurate and comprehensive information on the vocational education and training sector, which is used for planning, policy development, and funding decisions.

What are the guidelines for AVETMISS reporting?

AVETMISS VET Provider Collection specifications: release 8.0 can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

https://www.ncver.edu.au/rto-hub/statistical-standard-software/avetmiss-vet-provider-collection- specifications-release-8.0

Who to contact for support and how?

If you get stuck with Data reporting, support is available. The client support team at NCVER provides assistance to RTOs to help meet their AVETMISS data reporting requirements.

You may refer to below useful link which will provide you all required information in detail.


You may copy and paste below link in your browser to get access to the NCVER Fact sheets which are designed to help you meet your data reporting requirements.


extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ncver.edu.au/ data/assets/file/0014/11057/CS_Flyer_NCVE R_Helping_you_meet_your_data_reporting_requirements.pdf

chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ncver.edu.au/ data/assets/file/0012/10272/CS- Fact-Sheet-AVETMISS-reporting-in-8-steps.pdf 

What is the last date to do AVETMISS reporting?

28th Feb 2023, Tuesday

How to do accurate AVETMISS Data reporting?

The AVETMISS VET Provider collection is now open. We know that reporting process can seem to be difficult and stressful but if you follow the process and guidelines, it is manageable. In this blog post, we will explain the 4 key steps of the AVETMISS reporting process as mentioned below:

Understanding the AVETMISS data elements

1. Understanding the AVETMISS data elements:

Before you can begin the reporting process, you need to understand the data elements that must be reported. These include information on the student, the course, and the provider.

AVETMISS data elements are specific pieces of information that are collected and reported in order to provide an accurate picture of the vocational education and training sector in Australia. There are a number of data elements that must be collected and reported in accordance with the AVETMISS standards and guidelines.

Here is a brief overview of some of the key AVETMISS data elements:

  1. Student Identifier: A unique identifier for each student, such as a student number, that is used to identify the student across all AVETMISS data submissions.
  2. Course of Study: Information on the course of study that the student is enrolled in, including the course code, the course name, and the course level.
  3. Enrolment Date: The date on which the student was enrolled in the course of study.
  4. Completion Date: The date on which the student completed the course of
  5. Location of Delivery: The location where the course of study was delivered, such as a physical address or a virtual address.
  6. Funding Source: Information on the source of funding for the course of study, such as government funding, fee-for-service, or self-funded.
  7. National Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability: Information on whether the student has a disability and, if so, what type of disability.
  8. Language, Literacy and Numeracy: Information on the student’s language, literacy, and numeracy skills.
  9. Indigenous Status: Information on whether the student identifies as Indigenous Australian.
  10. Prior Education: Information on the student’s prior education, including previous course of study and qualifications obtained.

These are just a few examples of the AVETMISS data elements that must be collected and reported. It is important to understand all of the AVETMISS data elements and their purpose in order to ensure accurate and reliable data reporting.

2. Preparing the data:

Once you have a clear understanding of the data elements, you can begin preparing the data for reporting. Generate the NAT Files from your student management system (e.g Vettrak, wisenet, Jobready etc.) .Ensure to select below key points to generate accurate NAT Files.

  1. Submission period – Entire year (January to December) is selected
  2. Enforce end of year validation is ticked

Please refer to your student management system steps to generate NAT files.

3. Validation:

You must validate the data to ensure that it meets the AVETMISS guidelines and requirements. This includes checking for errors, missing data, and other inconsistencies.

  1. When the NAT Files are generated, it will show the number of errors on the main
  2. To fix these warnings and errors, we suggest Exporting the NAT Files in excel format so that you may analyse the data
  3. Once the files are saved in excel format, open the respective NAT file and check the error and resolve it.
  4. Common errors include:
    1. Incorrect data elements: Make sure that you are collecting and reporting all the required AVETMISS data elements, and that the information is accurate and up- to-date.
    2. Invalid data format: The AVETMISS data must be submitted in the correct format, such as a CSV or text file. Make sure that the data is prepared in the correct format before submission.
    3. Incorrect date formats: The dates used in the AVETMISS data, such as enrolment and completion dates, must be in the correct format. Check that the dates are in the correct format before submitting the data.
    4. Incomplete data: Make sure that all the required AVETMISS data elements are included in the data submission. Missing or incomplete data can impact the accuracy and reliability of the data.
    5. Incorrect student identifier: Each student must be assigned a unique identifier, such as a student number, that is used to identify the student across all AVETMISS data submissions. Make sure that the student identifier is accurate and unique.
    6. Inconsistent data: Make sure that the AVETMISS data is consistent and accurate across all data submissions. Inconsistent data can impact the accuracy and reliability of the data.

Type of errors will depend upon how your RTO records student enrolment, training and completion or withdrawal activities in the Student management system.

4. Fix AVETMISS Errors and Warnings 

To fix AVETMISS errors, you need to identify the source of the error and take steps to correct it. Here are some steps you can follow to fix AVETMISS errors:

Fix AVETMISS Errors and Warnings
  1. Identify the source of the error: Review the AVETMISS data and compare it against the AVETMISS standards and guidelines to identify the source of the error.
  2. Correct the data: Make the necessary changes to the AVETMISS data to correct the This may involve updating the information or adding missing data elements.
  3. Validate the data: Once the data has been corrected, validate it again to make sure that it is accurate and complies with the AVETMISS standards and guidelines.
  4. Resubmit the data: After correcting and validating the AVETMISS data, resubmit it to the relevant authorities in accordance with the AVETMISS standards and guidelines.
  5. Monitor future submissions: To prevent future AVETMISS errors, monitor future data submissions and take steps to correct any errors that may occur.

By following these steps, you can effectively fix AVETMISS errors and help ensure that your data is accurate and reliable. This will help you avoid any negative impact on the accuracy and reliability of the data, and will contribute to a better understanding of the vocational education and training sector in Australia.

5. Reporting:

Once all your data has been fixed and validated in Student management system, you can start to prepare for submitting your Data through by using AVETMISS validation software .

1. Click on the Link to AVETMISS validation software: https://avs.ncver.edu.au/avs/

2. Enter the username and password for your RTO to login to the Software.

AVETMISS validation software Login

3. Select the Tab Collections and then select New Collection

AVETMISS validation software - Select the Tab Collections

4. Enter information as explained

(i) Select your organisation name from the drop-down menu on the collection processing

(ii) Select Year – 2022

(iii) Select Submission Period – Jan-Dec

(iv) If you are submitting date for the whole year, make sure you untick the field Allow continuing outcomes for activity ending this year

(v) Click on Add files and wait for the files to be uploaded .

(vi)Once the files are uploaded, click on Validate.

(vii) Further errors may appear upon validation.

(viii) Resolve these errors by updating the student information in Student management system and re-generate NAT

(ix) Then, repeat all steps in point Reporting 1,2,3 and 4 ( i to vi) and ensure there no errors now.

(x) Once data have been validated error-free, the data must be submitted to the appropriate body. For more information on the data submission process, registered training organisations are advised to contact their state or territory training authority or the NCVER Client Support team. Multiple resources, including fact sheets, can be found at https://www.ncver.edu.au/rto-hub/avetmiss-support-for-rtos

We are hopeful that by following the process and steps mentioned above, you can ensure that your AVETMISS reporting process is completed accurately and on time. It is important to keep in mind that AVETMISS reporting is mandatory and failure to comply with the guidelines can result in penalties.

Therefore, it is crucial to stay informed of any updates or changes to the guidelines and to seek guidance and support when needed. Last date to submit your data is 28th February 2023, Tuesday

The information presented on the VET Resources blog is for general guidance only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. VET Resources is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Always consult a professional for advice tailored to your circumstances.

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