How to get students ready for the workplace?

How to get students ready for the workplace? 1

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not enough to just teach skills. If your students are going to survive in the real world, they need to have a clear advantage over their peers. One way to do that is by teaching them industry-specific skills and getting them industry-recognised certifications along the way.

As higher education continues to evolve and adapt to changing needs, many programs are experiencing a shift from traditional general education classes to more “real world” training. Some of these courses are earning industry certifications. Many of these courses consist of on-campus instruction and an online learning mix.

Why the shift?

The economy is undoubtedly one reason for the sudden onset of new career-focused courses. Another important reason for the change is that students are increasingly looking for programs to help them gain skills that can advance their careers in the future.

In fact, a recent survey by LinkedIn found that a full 93% of college students want their coursework to be directly relevant to their career goals. To achieve this goal, some schools are creating programs with an emphasis on industry-specific credentials and certifications that would allow students to gain a competitive edge in the job market while they’re still in school.

What are industry certifications?

Industry certificates are exams designed to provide knowledge, skills and abilities needed in today’s workforce. These credentials require students to prove they have mastered specific skills and can demonstrate competency in a specialised area through performance testing or written assessments. Certificates can be used as stand-alone credentials that prepare individuals for work immediately following graduation.

Teaching kids to get certified

One of the best ways to get your students ready for the workplace is to help them prepare for certification exams. Every major tech company has certification exams that are well regarded in the market and give candidates an edge in their job search.

The best part is that these companies provide training materials and teaching tools that can help you build your curriculum around their certifications. In many cases, you will also be able to use these materials within the classroom without paying anything.

There are plenty of ways for students to get experience during their education: internships, volunteering, and job shadowing.

To better prepare students for the workplace, allow them to earn industry-recognised certifications while they’re still in school. These can set them apart from other candidates when they apply for jobs.

Some industries have their own certifications, while others use standardised tests created by third-party organisations. Regardless of who issues them, certificates are often tied to specific jobs and skills that can help your students find jobs when they graduate.

The job market is competitive, and employers expect candidates to have a solid grasp of the skills needed for the position. To help students prepare for these future opportunities, colleges and universities offer programs that can hone their skills and increase their chances of success after graduation.

For example, one-way colleges are helping students prepare by creating courses around industry certifications. These certifications are like stamp approval from industry insiders that employers depend on to find qualified candidates.

In fact, according to a recent survey of hiring managers conducted by CompTIA, employers who hire IT professionals indicate that they prefer to see IT certifications as part of a candidate’s qualifications, 92% saying certifications are a good indicator that an applicant has the right skills to do the job well.

Here are some specific ways certifications can benefit your students:

  1. They can breathe life into your curriculum
  2. They can create more engaging courses for students
  3. They allow you to stay on top of the latest industry developments
  4. They make it easier for you to connect with local businesses

When we talk about the skills gap, we are talking about a lack of technical ability. Employers have plenty of positions for candidates with the right education, but many students aren’t graduating with the experience employers need.

One solution to the skills gap is creating a curriculum around industry certifications, which gives students an advantage in their job search after graduation and can help them snag a higher salary.

Education experts believe that industry-relevant certifications and credentials can be great ways for institutions to prepare students for the workplace and help them land jobs. They also encourage instructors to keep up-to-date in their practices and knowledge so they can teach from a position of recent experience.

Suggested Read: How to manage transition to a new course for your RTO

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One Comment

  1. I strongly agree that industry certifications give students an advantage in the job search after graduation.

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