‘Future-Proof’ International Education In Australia

What Can Be Done To ‘Future-Proof’ International Education In Australia? Leave a comment

Australia’s international education providers need to be prepared for unexpected developments by focusing on the next generation of students, rather than simply meeting the needs of current ones. With globalisation becoming more prevalent, it is more imperative than ever for Australian RTO training institutes to provide high-quality educational programs that will help their students succeed in an international context.


Future-proofing means having clear goals for the institution. It requires consistent thinking and application of decision-makers. And it also requires measurement of success.

Many education experts believe that we’re entering an era where online courses will replace traditional classroom instruction. Yet there remains some doubt over whether large lecture classes really help students learn. Instead, they may simply reinforce existing knowledge and skills rather than developing new ones. It is therefore important to combine online and offline course content so that students get the best out of both worlds.

But how can we, the education providers, go about this?

Before the COVID-19 crisis, the percentage of worldwide students taking online courses was less than 2 percent; however, after the virus struck, most learning providers quickly shifted their teaching methods to online courses.

In order to remain relevant in today’s fast paced world, it is important that as VET providers, we ensure that our learners gain essential life skills. To do so, we must continue to provide quality learning materials and ensure that our curriculum meets the expectations of the training, staff and learners alike. This means teaching the students how to think creatively, solve problems independently, and effectively communicate.

Provide quality assurance in our learning materials.

VET providers need to continuously adapt our learning curriculums to remain competitive. We need to create new ways to deliver learning courses while still developing critical thinking and judgement among students.

Revamp our student assistance services.

The student support services should focus on improving retention rates for students as well as increasing graduation rates. This means making sure we offer help when needed and give students the right resources to succeed academically.

Aside from that, we need to ensure that our training staff are welcoming, offering better academic and professional development opportunities, and helping our learners settle in and get used to life here.

Improve our efforts in promoting Australia’s quality educational system.

We must improve our existing promotional activities. These include highlighting the vocational educational opportunities available in Australia. By doing so, we can increase the number of international students to avail of our VET online resources.

Give students worldwide greater access to high quality educational programs.

Expanding accessibility to international education opportunities will ensure Australia remains competitive in the global marketplace. By allowing students from across the globe the opportunity to be equipped with the practical skills and knowledge, we can attract those who possess the said skills needed to drive our country forward. This will not only improve our economic standing but also make us a better place to live.

Invest more into research and development into educational technology.

Encouraging more research and development investment in Australian learning institutions is another way to prepare our students for the challenges of the next generation, ensuring that they’re equipped to succeed across borders and compete locally and internationally.

Continue investing in international educa­tion.

International educational opportunities must be supported by government investment if they are to continue to grow in Australia. Support from the government creates an environment where people choose to study overseas, making Australia a better place for everyone.

Promote a supportive regulatory framework.

These include making sure that there’s funding available for Australian universities and colleges, streamlined visa processes, and ensuring there’s sufficient support available for new arrivals in Australia.

Job opportunities for students after their studies.

International student visa holders must be able to secure employment upon graduation from study, so they can begin contributing to the national economy.

Look at how students live now.

Every time you talk about any aspect of education, ask yourself: What does this help my students learn? And if it helps them learn something directly, then it likely helps their lives too.

When discussing whether to administer a regular test, consider what can reasonably be accomplished with that type of information, what has been done in similar situations, and how the immediate impact on student achievement would likely be.

VET Learning & Assessment Materials – RTO Training Packages in Australia

At Vet Resources, we continuously provide RTO assessments and VET resources in Melbourne. We strive to ensure that by making sure our systems are well designed, we can ensure the local vocational educational industry stays strong and prosperous.

Suggested Read: Tips to select quality assessment and training resources for your RTO

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