Components of RTO Training Material Leave a comment


Have you ever wondered what separates an average RTO from an outstanding one? The answer lies not just in the quality of your trainers or the relevance of your courses, but also in the foundation of your training delivery: the materials you use to guide and empower your learners.

Are you providing your learners with the tools they need to succeed? Are your materials up to date, engaging, and aligned with industry standards? Are you planning to develop RTO training materials in your RTO? Are you a new RTO and don’t know much about RTO training materials? Then this blog is for you.

In this blog, we will discuss:

  • why you as an RTO need these training materials
  • what are the components of RTO training materials
  • benefits of RTO training materials
  • where to find these RTO training materials

It will help you prepare your RTO staff while developing or buying RTO training materials.

Let’s begin by understanding why you need RTO resources and defining RTO training materials.

Why RTOs need RTO training materials

  • To ensure effective delivery of VET programs: RTO training materials provide a structured framework for delivering VET programs, ensuring that learners receive the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen field.
  • To meet ASQA compliance requirements: RTO training materials must be aligned with relevant training packages and industry standards to meet ASQA compliance requirements.
  • To enhance learner engagement and retention: Engaging and well-developed RTO training materials can significantly improve learner engagement, motivation, and retention rates, leading to better outcomes for both learners and RTOs.
  • To support assessment and evaluation: RTO training materials provide a basis for effective assessment and evaluation of learner performance, ensuring that learners are acquiring the required skills and knowledge.
  • To save time and resources: RTO training materials, when properly developed and utilised, can save RTOs time and resources in developing their own training materials and ensure consistency and quality across different trainers and courses.

What are RTO training materials

RTO training materials are a collection of resources that provide a structured framework for delivering effective VET training programs.

What are the components of RTO Training Materials

RTO training materials encompass a diverse range of resources, each meticulously crafted to support the learning process and achieve specific training objectives. These materials, developed by RTOs play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of vocational education and training (VET) programs. Let’s delve into the essential components that make up the RTO training resources:

Learner Resources

Learner Resources

Learner resources provide your RTO learners with the tools and guidance they need to achieve their learning objectives. These resources are developed and aligned with current industry standards. They will serve as a roadmap for your students guiding them. Learner resources are made for each qualification. You can buy them and contextualise them to your RTO’s needs or develop them within your RTO.

Whether you choose to buy them or develop them, learner resources should:

– be engaging and relevant to the qualification.

– align with the Australian Qualifications Framework

– align with industry standards

– have a collaborative instructional design for different learner styles

Learner resources are a kit made of:

  • Learner guide: This comprehensive guide outlines the course content, learning outcomes, and assessment requirements in a clear and structured manner. Formative assessments embedded within the guide will help your RTO trainers identify areas where learners need additional support.
  • Self-study guide: This independent learning tool allows your RTO students to extend their knowledge and enhance their understanding of key concepts. It is particularly useful for preparing for summative assessments.
  • Class activity books: This engaging resource provides a variety of hands-on activities to promote interactive learning and reinforce classroom concepts. Your trainers can utilise these activities to create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment.
  • PowerPoint presentation: This visual aid will support your trainers in delivering engaging and informative presentations, enhancing the learning experience for all students.

Suggested Read: Engaging PowerPoint Presentations for RTO Training: Tips, Tricks, and Importance

  • Session plans: These detailed plans provide your trainers with a structured approach to delivering effective classroom sessions, ensuring that all aspects of the course are covered comprehensively.

Suggested Read: Training Session Plan: Essential Elements of a Session Plan

Assessment Kit

Assessment Kit

Assessments are vital for the successful completion of every training that you take. Assessment resources can be developed or bought from a trusted RTO resource provider which can be contextualised like any other RTO training resource. ASQA mandates that each assessment should be valid, reliable, flexible and fair as well as valid, sufficient, authentic and current. Keeping this requirement in mind the assessment kit for your RTO should have:

-guidelines for your trainers and assessors to conduct the assessment.

– inputs from subject matter experts and industry experts.

– guidelines for assessors on how to document the assessment outcomes.

– assessment questions with standard answers.

– mapping documents stating performance criteria, knowledge as well as performance evidence and assessment conditions.

– a detailed list of resources students will need to complete the assessment

– conditions and information on workplace assessment if applicable

– information for assessors on how to mark the students completed with a checklist

– Any supporting documents for the trainers and assessors aiding in conducting a successful assessment.

Suggested Read: Stay Compliant: The Ultimate Guide to RTO Assessment Tools


Language, Literacy and Numeracy Kit will be your leeway to assess students before they enrol in a qualification. These kits must adhere to the ACSF requirements. An ideal LLN Kit will provide you and your students support by identifying language, literacy and numeracy needs. If you do not assess LLN skills, you will not know if your students are capable of:

-Understanding and following instructions

-Reading and writing effectively

-Completing calculations and solving problems

-Communicating effectively with others

-Learning new skills and knowledge

LLN Kit RTO resource is crucial in this sense and is mandatory for higher completion rates of VET courses. An ideal LLN kit should contain:

-tools like online tests/quizzes/paper tests/interview questions to test their LLN skills

– guidelines for the assessors to conduct these tests

– a marking guide for the assessors.

Suggested Read: Why RTOs need to assess LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy) of learners



You will get students from all walks of life. It is important for you to assess what they have learned and how much they have learned. Recognising prior learning will also help you transfer credits and save resources. You can use RPL kits to assess students.

RPL kits help you test students through practical demonstrations, work experience demonstrations, simulation exercises, written tests and interviews. An ideal RPL Kit should include:

– an RPL form for students

– self-assessment kit for students

– observations and demonstration kit for your assessors

– a complete set of questions, activities and RPL tasks

– detailed instructions on how to gather and document evidence

– competency conversation kit for assessors.

Suggested Read: What is RPL and What are the ASQA Standards for RPL?

Where can you find the best RTO training materials

At VET Resources we offer the best and the highest quality training resources. We also provide assistance in contextualising these resources. We offer free consultation and free samples to RTOs. For more information contact us here.


RTO training materials are an essential component of delivering effective vocational education and training (VET) programs. They provide a structured framework for delivering training, ensuring that learners receive the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen field. They also play a vital role in meeting ASQA compliance requirements, enhancing learner engagement and retention, supporting assessment and evaluation, and saving time and resources.

When developing or choosing RTO training materials, it is important to select resources that are up-to-date, engaging, and aligned with industry standards. It is also important to ensure that the materials are appropriate for the target learner group and that they are delivered in a way that is effective and engaging.

By developing or investing in high-quality RTO training materials, you can ensure that your RTO is delivering the best possible learning experience for your students. This will help you to attract and retain learners, improve your reputation, and achieve your business goals.

Here are some key takeaways from the blog:

  • RTO training materials are essential for delivering effective VET programs.
  • RTO training materials must be aligned with relevant training packages and industry standards.
  • RTO training materials can help to improve learner engagement and retention.
  • RTO training materials can support assessment and evaluation.
  • RTO training materials can save time and resources.

The information presented on the VET Resources blog is for general guidance only. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. VET Resources is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Always consult a professional for advice tailored to your circumstances.

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