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Explore our Learning and Assessment Kits to elevate your RTO's training programs.

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Our session plans are designed specifically for trainers to help organise class, assessments and deliver classroom learning effectively.

Our session plan supports trainers to deliver effective, engaging and compliant classroom delivery of the qualification. These session plans can be customised easily to other delivery modes as well.

Includes –

  • Guide plan for trainers to help organise class, assessments and deliver classroom learning effectively.
  • It provides an overview of the session; what RTO and trainer can include in the session and how they can cover the information related to final assessment with the students.
  • Session plan information is aligned with our assessment and learner resources.
  • It will also help the trainers to arrange the time to answer student queries.
  • The session plan can be contextualised by the RTOs according to their cohort.
Why choose VET Resources Session Plan?
  • Get hassle-free compliance care: Stay stress-free with compliant resources that come with Audit Assist Guarantee at no additional cost.

  • Save time and money for your RTO: HUNDREDS of hours and dollars saved in development, validation, proofreading, and formatting.

  • Gain unlimited student licence: One-time payment only for unlimited resource delivery.

  • Adaptable to e-learning and fully editable: Easy to contextualise if required and can be customised for online learning.

  • Avail lifetime updates with no hassles: Receive updated resources with no effort to your RTO at minimum cost until the product is superseded and non-equivalent

  • Developed in consultation with industry experts: Resources designed with information and experience curated to meet industry standards.

A session plan can be developed by defining the learning objectives, identify the key topics, organise the material in a sequential order for the learner to understand and use Presentation techniques that will engage and communicate the skills and knowledge you want the learner to gain.

The purpose of a session plan is to convey information to a leaner in a logical order that they will follow easily.

A Training session can be created by targeting the audience the training is for, identify the learning needs and develop of objectives. Then develop the content of the session using research and making sure that it aligns with the objectives of the training.

It is a plan that includes the learner's activities and the resources used to achieve a learning objective. It is a learning structure used by Trainers when covering learning activities. It is a set of notes in chronological order in which the topics will be delivered. It includes a list of resources that are required to conduct a session. It guides all Trainers on the delivery process and the requirements they must cover. 

A session plan provides a learner and Trainer with clear guidelines. It assists with organization and sequencing. It follows a direction in the form of a road map to stay on track. It helps with time management. It assists and guides other Trainers who can step in and take over the delivery. 

It is a guide used by Trainers. It assists them with the following: 

Planning and preparing for all future training sessions 

The type of delivery method, for example, online or face-to-face delivery. 

It guides the Trainer through the structure and content of the delivered material. 

It provides a time frame for the sessions. 

It ensures that all the necessary resources will be available for use to aid the delivery, for example, computer software, a projector, role-play equipment, markers, a whiteboard, a computer, etc 

Please refer following link for free session plan template:  

Session Plan -Template.docx - Google Drive 

The research of information for the topics to be covered. 

  • The setting of the objectives. 
  • The methodology to be used in delivering the learning material. 
  • The list of materials and resources required. 
  • The specified duration of each session. 
  • The evaluation, feedback and reflection of the delivery. 

When preparing a session planning a training session, you need to consider the following: 

Who, what, why, when, where and how. 

Check to ensure the material covered aligns with the learning objective. 

Manage the time for delivery effectively and ensure all topics are covered within the time limit. 

Check to ensure all the training aids, equipment and resources are available for delivery of the session. 

Rehearse the delivery of the session beforehand if there are any doubts; for example, time delivery may fall short or extend past the time limit. 

Prepare and test all audio and visual equipment and connectivity for online delivery before use. 

Prepare any handouts to be circulated to the learners before the session. 

Make any modifications when there has been feedback. 

The importance is gaining knowledge on the given topic(s). It sets out an aim and objective to achieve. Each session will help achieve an objective and meet the final objective of being competent in a unit. 

A session plan is a guide that includes information on how a course will be delivered. It includes the preparation, content and method of delivery, including the resources to be used for the course duration. It includes learning objectives that align with the course requirements and guidelines, the criteria necessary to meet the objectives, the resources and notes to be used to aid the delivery, the sequence of topics to be learned, the activities to be undertaken, and the time it will take to deliver each lesson throughout the stage of the course. 

A lesson plan is a description of the content and how the lesson will be delivered, including the topics and class activities to be undertaken. It covers the objectives of a daily lesson, how the topics will be taught and why and instructions on how to achieve this. It consists of an Objective, Subject matter, Procedure, Evaluation and Assignment.  

The purpose is to set out an organised description of the activities and tasks, including resources that will be used so the learner can achieve the learning objectives. 

It helps with the structure, organisation, method of delivery, effectiveness of the delivery, direction, clear roles and aids as a checklist. 

A session plan should include the following: 

  • The location. 
  • An approximate number of learners. 
  • The number of sessions to be delivered on a topic (i.e. weeks). 
  • The unit code and title of the subject. 
  • The topics and information to be covered. 
  • The duration (in hours and minutes) of each session. 
  • The resources to be used. 
  • The activities, practicals, or role plays will be covered where necessary. 
  • The assessment tasks to be undertaken. 

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